Core Values


Justice is a commitment to ensuring that every member of the OEA, regardless of their background or circumstances, is treated with the utmost dignity and respect. It means advocating for fair wages, benefits, and working conditions. It means fighting against discrimination and bias in all its forms and actively working to dismantle systemic inequalities within our education system. 

A more just educational system is one where every student, regardless of their background or circumstances, has access to high-quality education that meets their needs and prepares them for success. It is a system where resources are distributed equitably, ensuring that schools in underserved communities have the support they need to thrive. It is a system where educators are valued and respected, with fair wages, benefits, and working conditions that enable them to provide the best possible education for their students.

Justice requires collective action—it requires all of us to come together as a community and fight for what is right. That is why I am asking for your support in this election. Together, we will build a more just, fair, and equitable educational system for all of Oregon. 


Solidarity is the cornerstone of our strength. It is our unwavering commitment to stand together as a united front, supporting one another in our shared struggles, and lifting each other up in times of need. I pledge to bridge divides, ensuring that all member voices—licensed, classified, community college, aspiring, and retired—are heard and valued. Together, we will amplify our collective influence for broader social change. 


Advocacy is empowerment—empowering our members to speak up, to take action, and to create positive change in their schools and communities. Together, we can be a powerful force for progress, advocating not just for ourselves, but for the future of education in our region and beyond.

I will work tirelessly to strengthen our advocacy efforts, collaborating with local communities, lawmakers, and other stakeholders to advance policies that benefit educators, students, and public education as a whole. Whether it's organizing grassroots campaigns, mobilizing members for collective action, or engaging in strategic lobbying efforts, I am committed to using every tool at our disposal to advocate effectively on behalf of our members.